Sunday, April 3, 2016

Mercy v. Severity in The Magus

Finding interesting crossover today in The Magus between Mercy and Severity pillars of the Sephiroth. The Magus advises that magic be used to benefit others, and sought after through abstinence from vice, resistance to temptation, goodwill to others as primary motivation. The way The Magus represents it, using Mercy as motivation is the surest way to control your magical practice, rather than allowing it to control you. It also mentions, though, that one should only speak with worthy conversationalists and shouldn't "throw pearls to swine," which takes the practitioner into the realm of judgment ruled by the Severity pillar. To me, this reeks of Crowley's restraint from nothing, his leaving no vice unindulged in, as magickal practice; and the haughty pitilessness of LaVeyan Satanism. Really remarkable how any belief holds seeds of danger.

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